Vi tar dessverre ikke bestillinger på campingen - Kun på hyttene våre.
Vi jobber etter "først til mølla", og det vil si at spesielt i høysesongen kan det være lurt å komme tidlig på dag for å være sikker på å finne et ledig sted å parkere eller sette opp teltet.
Wunderschöne Lage, extrem freundlicher Empfang, sehr saubere Sanitäranlagen...ich bin wunschlos zufriedeb
Heerlijk rustige camping eind september. Mooie cabin, zowaar vriendelijk personeel. Schitterend aangelegd en mooi uitzicht op het fjord.
We loved this campsite! Definitely way cuter and more private than the one by the waterfront and only a 15 min walk down to town. The sound of waterfall beside the campground I swear sent me into the best night sleep we’ve had in the 4 and 1/2 months we’ve been traveling around with our tent. The showers were excellent, super roomy, great pressure and cheap! The kitchens had fridges and ovens and all the facilities were super clean. We also loved how all the picnic tables had little covers to keen you dry from the rain! And for a cherry on top of a great campground you can buy fresh baked goods in the morning from the super friendly reception staff 😊😊
Great cabins. Would definitely stay here again. The location is beautiful and the cabins are so cozy. We only stayed one night but wish we could stay much longer.
Camping idéalement situé sur les hauteurs de Geranger. Très proche du centre avec les sorties en bateau et accès en 20mn en voiture pour le spot de Flydalsjuvet.
Emplacement bien délimité avec vue sur le fjord pour les vans ou camping car. Prix raisonnable, sanitaires très clean et accueil très sympa.
Je recommande vivement
Nb : pas de résa possible donc idéalement se présenter tôt dans la journée pour assurer le coup 😉
Vær oppmerksom på at fra september til juni er/kan RV63 fra Stryn/Otta være vinterstengt.
Dette gjelder også Trollstigen.
Sjekk for oppdatert informasjon:
This place is amazing, although we came in low season, but it has wi fi and great playing area with local kids too. The views are stunning. It has small grocery in the reception. Very friendly staff. The supermarket 8 min walk. The only downside is that the toilets are closed in the low season.